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Cast iron electric radiators versus traditional panel heaters

Anyone looking at options for a new home heating system will have come across affordable panel heaters. They’re uncomplicated, familiar, have a space-age look & feel, and they’re cheap — often the least expensive option out there. But heating and ‘radiating’ aren’t the same things. And in fact, radiating as a heat source offers several advantages that direct heating can’t. Let’s look at how those differences play out when heaters and radiators are put to everyday use.

Heaters heat, but radiators radiate

A lot of home heating units get bundled under the term ‘radiator’. Heaters and cast iron electric radiators both rely on electricity to generate heat, but that’s where the resemblance ends. Panel heaters and cast iron electric radiators radiator aren’t the same things — at all. A panel heater radiates heat from an element inside the unit. If you’re in the proximity of the heater, you feel the heat. The closer you are, the hotter it feels. With a cast iron electric radiator, you get that proximity heating effect, but you also get the benefits of convection. Radiators distribute heat more evenly throughout a room by spreading it through air currents. The process is called convection, and it makes for a more even and comfortable warmth.

Panel heaters aren’t as efficient as cast iron electric radiators

Panel heaters are less energy-efficient than cast iron radiators. They only heat people effectively if they’re close to the unit itself — which may be too hot to sit next to. They only transfer energy in one direction, and they can leave those parts of the room farthest away from the unit feeling cold and drafty. Radiators transfer heat to the air, which sends it out to the rest of the room, giving you more warming coverage per square foot at the same amount of electricity consumption. That makes radiators cheaper to run over the long term.

Panel heaters aren’t made for continual use

In a panel heater, the heated elements inside come into direct contact with the air, so any dust circulating nearby burns up on contact. If they’re used constantly, they can damage paintwork and leaving a dark stain on walls. That makes panel heaters a poor choice for essential home heating.

Cast iron electric radiators are more durable

Because panel heaters are less efficient than cast iron electric radiators, they have to work harder to deliver the same heating coverage. This ‘overclocking’ effect means they burn out after a few years. Cast iron electric radiators are much more energy-efficient and, as such, can last for decades. Panel heaters are often manufactured using cheaper parts and quick assembly to satisfy demand.

Cast iron electric radiators versus traditional panel heaters

This is a short summary of cast iron electric radiators versus traditional panel heaters. There are many benefits to Sarahlane iron radiators that should be considered when selecting your heating system